Fenrismaw (EUA) - The Hanging Tree

Hail Cthonic Gods! Terrible Ones!
Ancient when the world was wrought, of Fire and Ice,
Hail the Sleepers of Sacred Barrows; those we've not forgotten! They wrought the pride of our forfathers.
Silent they wait, silent they stand!
Rise now in war! Hail final war!
Age of the Christian set to blaze.
The atrocities and lies of an impotent race,
blood on their hands is now repaid,
A sacrilegious plague; they preyed on righteous men
with forced repentance. Their sacrifice is now!

Carve through their flesh, rip out their veins.
Bring the priests to the hanging tree,
Screaming as we carve out their lying lungs!
Turisaz carved into every skull!
Hagalaz! Primordial wrath!
Their ribs splayed open, hanging from boughs.
Inverted crucifixion. Their sacrifice is now!

Spectral Cries. Funeral Pyres.
Honor not the hanged. Honor not the hanged.
Holy in it's decay!
Bloated, hanging corpses. A purified grove.
Honor not the hanged! Hail to the fallen!
Honor not the hanged! Hail to the Gods of War!
Gift of the dying. Veil ripped apart.
See thy lords kingdom.
Silent, black, cold.