Fenrismaw (EUA) - Out Of Amsvartnir

Wolf Age! Bringer of Ragnarok!
The stars blacken and die when I lift my head.
In the black swamp, I slept beneath the dead,
Enchained by Ancient Powers your world betrayed.
Your impotent prophets lied, Oh sons of a dying breed.
No Whore spawned travesty's
Of the Destroyer of Worlds.

I will break my chains!
I'll rip the gates from heaven,
And redden them with the gore
Of Your White Christ!
There will be no light from heaven when the eternal winter comes,
Rot with your lies, rot with your Christ,
I'm terror your world forgot.

Woe to a world that forgot my name!
I am the Eater of Gods!
I am the Mouth to Hell!
I am Wrath of the Fallen!
I! The Ravenous One!

Nine worlds burn with the howling of the Wolf!


I am the Beast! Chaos in monstrous form!
Harbinger of the end! Death to God and Man!
No more tomorrow! No more life!
All will die! All will die!